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  • Posted by: admin

Patients with Arthritis of hip and knee are not able to walk long distances and sometimes  they  are either confined to their immediate neighborhoods or to their house for months and years .

Patients after knee / hip replacement are able to walk long distances .

  1. New research suggests that this increased physical activity protects the heart and risk of heart attack and Stroke  is reduced by 40% and mortality rate is reduced by 12%. This in turn increases patient’s life span by 7 years.
  2. patients does not need to take arthritic tablets for pain which also reduces the risk of heart attack and Kidney failure.
  3. With Arthritis of the knee and hip , the leg becomes thin and deformed which also improves to normal after the operation.
  4. Patients with constant pain in their knees and hip over long period of time suffer from Anxiety, depression, and increased psychological stress which releases special harmones in the body .  This in turn again increases the risk of heart attack and stroke,
  5. Increased physical activity and ability to be able to walk long distances after the joint replacement surgery delays the age related cognitive decline , memory loss  as happens in Alzheimer disease and senile Dementia.

Author: admin